Indicators for Dental Implants
After the implants are secured in place within the mouth, your body takes over through a process known as osseointegration. Your natural tissue will start to form around the biocompatible implant, creating a solid foundation. Once your mouth has fully healed, you’ll return to Seek & Smile Dentistry so that we can start planning your new, personalized restoration. Several options are available for this, including the following:
Missing Single Tooth
Are you missing a single tooth? We will use an implant-retained crown to seamlessly complete your smile. This restoration covers individual implants and doesn’t threaten the health of surrounding natural teeth. In fact, it helps preserve the alignment of your remaining dental structure.
Missing Multiple Teeth
If you’re missing multiple teeth, we may recommend implant-retained Dental bridges. These are designed to replace one or more consecutive missing teeth, and they’re anchored in place by two implants on either side of the prosthetic.